• Account - What are the requirements to buy star tokes?
    You must complete the steps in your "Approval Requirements" list on your home page. This list is different for stars and regular users.
  • Account - Can I change accounts types in the future.
    A fan to become a star. However the process is manual so you will need to send a request to support. But since as an active star you are responsible for your fans, we do not allow changing back to a fan. Only if you have not sold any tokes, or you buy back all your tokes from your fans. You can send support a request and we can discuss your options.
  • Account - Can I change my username?
    We do not facilitate self change. If you have a legitimate reason to change your username, please email support.
  • Account - What do you do with my personal info?
    We use your personal information mostly for withdraw purposes, and the "Know your customer" requirements (see here). Some information can be displayed like your age, location, gender, and location (not address). But you have full control to allow/disallow this information under your account settings.
  • Account - I set profile comments to Not Allow but I see an option to add comments. Why?
    Profile owners will always have the option to add comments to their own profile. If you set it to not allow comments, no responses or new comments from other users will happen
  • Affiliate - How will I get paid my affiliate commission?
    Commissions are given in platform credits. Once you have the minimum credits allowed to withdraw (100) you can request a withdraw from your Wallet->Withdraws . You can see any affiliate transaction in your Wallet -> Transactions section.
  • Affiliate - What do I get for inviting users with my referral link
    Our current affiliate payment is 10% when a user makes a purchase to acquire credits. Your affiliate payment will be recorded in the same currency as the payment was made in. So your withdraw restrictions will be based on those currencies.
  • Affiliate - Can I change my referral link?
    We do not allow you to customize your referral link. However, the system will accept your affiliate ID on any page as long as you send it the aff variable. So for example. You can send them directly to a video with your referral ID like this https://startokes.xyz/v/111111/example.html?aff=123456 Where 123456 is your referral ID
  • Files - Why are my files not showing up for other users?
    Because of the security risk involved in downloading files. All files need to be approved by the administration before they can be made available for download.
  • Files - I'm having trouble uploading a video, mp3 or file what can I do?
    Go to this page https://startokes.xyz/support_upload and upload the file you are having problems with, then message support and let them know your issue in detail and that you have uploaded your file.
  • Stars - How do you calculate popular stars?
    Popular stars are based on toke transactions. You will see the top star which have the most recent high count transactions.
  • Tokes - Do Stars make commission on toke purchases?
    Currently no, but we may add this option in the near future.
  • Tokes - Can stars upgrade their toke count after fans have bought tokes from them?
    Yes, currently since toke trading is suspended, stars are free to upgrade their toke count without issue with the current tokes that are currently purchases.
  • Tokes - What is a Fan Fee?
    A fan fee is an optional fee that a star can add. This is a fee which deducts the tokes from any toke holders on the monthly anniversary of their original purchase. The tokes are transferred back to the star. This is a way for popular stars to maintain their residual income from fans who are still accessing their content.
  • Tokes - Is there a fee when purchasing or selling tokes?
    Yes. There is a 5% fee paid for by the Seller, and is taken out of their earnings.
  • Tokes - Do I get money back if I decrease my tokes?
    Yes, we will buy back your tokes at .25 credit per toke. So if you decrease your tokes by 100, you will receive 25 credits.
  • Tokes - How much does it cost for stars to add tokes?
    Current cost is .5 credit per toke. So 100 tokes would cost 50 credits.
  • Tokes - What is a Toke?
    A Toke is a unit of measure for the level at which users can access star content. Tokes can be purchased from each star and gives fans access to view or download their content where stars have placed a level assignment on that content
  • Twinkles - How will you send me Twinkles on withdraw?
    You will enter in a public wallet address and they will be transferred to you. At this time there is no fee for this but it could change in the future. Unfortunately there is no option to transfer them to you directly into the Safe Zone currently.
  • Withdraw - How often can I withdraw?
    You are allowed to make several different withdraw requests at one time pending your credit balance. However, You are only allowed to complete a withdraw(s) once per week.
  • Withdraw - How long will my withdraw request stay pending?
    Most requests are processed (approved/declined) within 48 hours if there are no issues. Some instances will take longer if communications are required back and forth. Payment processing time will depend on the processor used. Could take up to 10 days after approval.
  • Withdraw - Is there a minimum requirement for withdraws?
    Yes, the current minimum requirement is 100 credits. Your available credits for withdraw are based on how you acquired your credits.