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Account - What are the requirements to buy star tokes?
You must complete the steps in your "Approval Requirements" list on your home page. This list is different for stars and regular users.
Account - Can I change accounts types in the future.
A fan to become a star. However the process is manual so you will need to send a request to support. But since as an active star you are responsible for your fans, we do not allow changing back to a fan. Only if you have not sold any tokes, or you buy back all your tokes from your fans. You can send support a request and we can discuss your options.
Account - I set profile comments to Not Allow but I see an option to add comments. Why?
Profile owners will always have the option to add comments to their own profile. If you set it to not allow comments, no responses or new comments from other users will happen
Tokes - What is a Toke?
A Toke is a unit of measure for the level at which users can access star content. Tokes can be purchased from each star and gives fans access to view or download their content where stars have placed a level assignment on that content
Tokes - Is there a fee when purchasing or selling tokes?
Yes. There is a 5% fee paid for by the Seller, and is taken out of their earnings.
I am purchasing tokes for the purpose of accessing this stars user content. I have read and understand the terms of purchasing outlined in the Terms of Use
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