
Level: 0
06/12/18 07:36 pm - Definition

Noun – Unit of measure (like a token) for the level at which fans can access star content on Fans must possess a set number of xaggos to view or download content according to the stars settings. The value of a xaggo can fluctuate depending on the stars popularity.

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Level: 3
06/12/18 09:34 am - Test Article
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Level: 6
06/11/18 11:03 pm - Сказка о цветочке аленьком ( сказка в стихах - по мотивам сказки Сергея Тимофеевича Аксакова)
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Level: 3
06/11/18 11:02 pm - Сказка про улыбку
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Level: 4
06/11/18 11:02 pm - Сказка о священной воде
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Level: 4
06/11/18 11:00 pm - Здравствуй, завтра!
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