What is a Star Toke?
Noun - Unit of measure for the level at which fans can access star content on startokes.xyz. Fans must possess a set number of Tokes to view or download content according to the stars settings. The value of a Toke can fluctuate depending on the stars popularity.
Become a Star
Start for free! We provide you with the first 50 Tokes for free, sell them for whatever price you want. You make the money. Upgrade your Tokes count at any time. We will even buy back unused purchased Tokes. You also have the option of a monthly Tokes fee, so even if you sold all your Tokes, you will still continue to make money. See our FAQ's for more infomation. Use our affiliate program to earn 10% on any credit purchases made from users you invite.
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Become a Fan
Start for free! Buy you first Toke and enjoy the quality content from all of our stars on this unique platform. Buy early as the star can increase their Tokes price at any time. Use our affiliate program to earn 10% on any credit purchase made from users you invite.
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Multiple Content Options
We offer many different content upload options. From videos, mp3's, images, files, news/blogs. Manage your content how you want.
Vloggers / Musicians / Cinematographer - Upload videos and/or mp3's to share with your fans. Easy import from Youtube, Vimeo, and Daily Motion. Allow comments on the videos/mp3's
Photographers / PhotoJournalists / Graphic Artists - Upload images to your account, manage who is allowed to view/download your images. Use your images for news items as well.
Writers / Journalists / Bloggers - Upload files in word, pdf and many other formats, and control who can download them. You can also put out news specific to your Tokes holders.

Our affiliate program
We offer a nice referral bonus of 10% on any puchase made to gain credits. These credits are available for withdraw as long as it meets withdraw requirements. See our terms for more information on the requirements. Both fans and stars are elegible for the affiliate program. Get started now! You can even use our pre-made banners for your promotion.
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